Why EDS?
Why EDS system is needed?
What are its benefits over SCADA system?
01.What hardware is needed to run Mindset-Detector?
Mindset detector is a cloud-based system. No hardware installation is needed on the user’s side.
02.What type of licenses exist for the Mindset-Detector server?
The Mindset-Detector license is a SAAS (Software as a Service) product. The license fee is less than 50$ per station per month. This depends on the number of monitoring stations at the customer’s domain.
03.How long it takes to have up and running monitoring models with the Mindset-Detector?
04.Who does the first model building and calibration?
Assuming the customer has a history of data per site, building, and training, a model should take a few hours.
Decision Makers Ltd builds, test, and deploy all models. It will be so as long as this is the customer request. When a customer engineer can start to handle the models, he receives a proper user name and password, which allows him to make changes in the model. However, decision Maker support prevails as long as the system is running at the customer site.
05.Is it possible to test the model offline before they are commissioned?
Mindset-Detector has a build in procedure which enables to test every model in on-line or off-line mode. On-line mode uses actual data from field. Off-line model uses simulated data. Decision Makers has a special water quality simulation which enable to simulate water quality events in order to test the sensitivity of the EDS system.
06.What happens if the system produces too much false alarms?
Each of the algorithms has calibration parameters. In case the system generates too much false alarm, it is in the user's hand to tune it. All tuning parameters are known to the user and can be done by an authorized engineer selected by the user.
07.What data source may be used in order to feed the Mindset-Detector models?
Any type of data (continuous or discrete) may be used as data source for the Mindset-Detector.